Vaccination For Herpes Removal - Melanie Addington Reviews  

In recurrent herpes recommended administration of a polyvalent vaccine which is administered at 0.1-0.2 ml intradermal in the outer surface of the shoulder twice a week. The course of treatment is of 5-10 injections. Also, be sure to designate immunomodulators supporting defenses of the organism “Gamma globulin”, etc.

Modern drugs not only possess immunomodulatory effects, but also have an antiviral effect. Preparations appoint only the attending physician after conducting the necessary analyzes of blood and diagnose the type of herpes infection. In severe cases, possible use of intravenous laser irradiation; this procedure is carried out using quantum therapy. Blood is cleared directly into the bloodstream through the optical waveguide.

Effectiveness of treatment is unprecedented and is not only influenced by herpes viruses. There’s an enormous improvement of the body. Anti-inflammatory effect is the nerve, lung, cartilage, bone, liver tissue. As a result - increases immunity, the body’s resistance to microbes, bacteria and viruses.

Strengthen immunity medicinal plant immunomodulators. Echinacea purpurea is known to be very popular for the treatment method. Take 50 grams of crushed leaves and flowers and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insisting in a dark place for 3 weeks, filter infusion. Vegetable materials and squeeze through cheesecloth bi-layer and connect with the filtrate. Take 10 ml three times a day for 30 minutes before eating. Course is of 14 days.


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