How To Treat Herpes During Pregnancy - Herpes Cure Tips By Melanie Addington  

Use the drop-based steroids. This treatment is indicated in deep lesions of the inner shells of the eye. Corticosteroids require constant medical supervision, as it may cause an increase in intraocular pressure.

Recognize the need for surgery. If remedial measures do not work, then clear the center of the cornea can only surgically. If the effect of the virus continues unabated and frequent recurrences, the question arises of corneal transplantation.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy - Every woman, being “interesting” position, shudders with horror at the mere word “medicine” because we all know that during pregnancy should be treated with caution to all contain the chemical elements, and sometimes even some vitamins and from the scourge of the herpes virus, and all difficult to get rid of, even a person who does not have special medical contraindications.

You will need:

• Fir oil;

• Chamomile cream;

• Ointment of calendula flowers.

Instruction - Herpes - cold-like rashes on the lips and nose; caused by a virus, are in an inactive form in the body of the majority, and sometimes absolutely healthy people who may never themselves and do not show.

But any chance for him there are some favorable conditions in the form of weakened immunity (with the same pregnancy), then help! Therefore it is necessary even before planning a child pass a set of special tests, especially if you have had previous symptoms of this disease, to treat it in advance. But it often happens that the moment is lost, and the disease manifested itself in the period of gestation.


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